Ok. So, I realize that in my post Oryx and Crake (maybe I should start reading?) I somewhat promised to start on Oryx and Crake as my next book (hopefully becoming a string on post-apocalyptic books to be consumed by yours truly). Well, here’s what happened. I’ve been traveling for a few days (nothing fun, just stupid work) and I was without a book the entire time. So, when I got home on Saturday, I devoured the rest of Blue Mars and suddently found myself without a book. I read just about every night and whenever I can throughout the day, so to be without a book is something I couldn’t tolerate, especially because I’d spent 3 days traveling in just such a predicament.
Well, Oryx and Crake was going to have to wait (because I haven’t gotten it yet) but I didn’t want to let down my post-apocalyptic buddies by starting another Hugo-award-winning sci-fi book. Then I found a copy of “The Road” by Cormac McCarthy that someone must have given to me as a gift. I’ve been pretty excited to see this film ever since I first got a glimpse of the trailer.
So, I picked up my copy and hopped in the bath. An hour later I was shivering in barely lukewarm water and I didn’t want to go anywhere. So far, I love The Road. As you know, I’m a drunken goofball who loves shoddy movies, but I do appreciate a well-written book. McCarthy’s style is reminiscent of Hemingway, if you ask me. It’s very terse and it moves along very quickly. However, when he does go into some narrative detail, he does so very well. (describing a creature’s eyes as “as blindless as spider’s eggs” is a good example)
Anyway, has anyone seen the movie yet? How does it compare? I don’t mind if it can’t capture the book (people need to quit bitching about that, it’s virtually impossible anyway). But, does it stand up on its own?