So, I mentioned this crazy-ass Apocalypse poster on Twitter a week or so ago and I wanted to bring it up again. Here’s a picture, in case you forgot:

I just can’t stop looking at this thing and fantasizing about it’s origins and the person who created it. Now I have some theories. Tom Masse (the original artist of this beauty) was either
a) a raving lunatic
b) an occult wizard
c) a super-stoned 17-year-old dude who loves Dungeons and Dragons
My money is on c). I wish the picture was bigger on Amazon so I could see all the details. I guess that means I should be buying the poster. But, from what I can see, it appears that Tiamat and the Four Horseman are hanging out on top of piles of corpses. They are probably talking about The Office or 30 Rock. I mean, this is probably their equivalent of the water cooler, right? Also, it looks like maybe there is a 5th horseman who is flying a chopper? Or, perhaps that is Chopper Dave, from Sealab? In any case. I love it!