One drunken goon reviewing all things post apocalyptic.
Exterminators of the Year 3000
I’m sure this isn’t going to surprise you, but I loved Exterminators of the Year 3000. Basically, it is Road Warrior in Italian, for about 1/3 the budget. But noone is saying that isn’t a good thing. I’m so dumb that I could watch Road Warrior ripoffs till I die, and still think I was gettin the goods.
What made this movie different from Road Warrior was some of the following. 1) Water, not gasoline, is the precious fluid in this movie. 2) The car chase scenes are as good, or better, than the ones in Road Warrior… they really worked on these. 3) There are some good subplots, an evil temple of mutated water hoarders being one of the best.
What sucks is that it is dubbed… although this kind of adds a little atmosphere here and there. You can almost think you are watching a Godzilla movie. Also, the blood is cheesy as all get out. Now that I think about it, I think they were taking a stab at Mad Max with this movie too. In the beginning, two rogue cops in a bitchin cop car go out to stop the freaks and bandits. They are killed in about 3 minutes.
Now that we are on the subject, this movie steals from everyone. I’m starting to think that I don’t really pay attention when I watch movies. My brain goes into T.V. mode. I can’t even hear you if you are talking to me, unless you say “Beer” or “Tacos”.
Exterminators in the Year 3000 (1985) Starring: Robert Iannucci, Alicia Moro Director: Giuliano Carnimeo
Note: This original review was written sometime during 1996-1997, when I was a drunken, twenty-something nincompoop. I am no longer that person. Or, that is to say, I am in my thirties now. 😉