Sometimes something just has to slap you right in the face before you really think about it.
Case in point: I live in Missoula, Montana. Guess who else lives in Missoula, MT? That’s right, the Zombie Tools guys. Was I just not aware of them before? Nope. I think I was first made aware of them like 3-4 years ago? What did it take for me to realize that I needed to make a post about them? Umm… my wife was a Doula at a birth for one of the Zombie Tools guys and his wife. I know that sounds like a crazy connection, but there it is. That’s what it took for me to realize that I needed to tell everyone about Zombie Tools. So, if you also have some sort of post-apocalyptic business and you want me to tell people, apparently you just need to have my wife attend the birth of your child. Heh.
Anyway, on to Zombie Tools! Who are they, you might ask? To quote them from their FAQ page.
We are swordsmen and metalsmiths who create blades, and soon, other gear, that will increase your odds of surviving a zombie apocalypse.
Rad, right? And, you can bet your ass they are freaking serious. Check out some of these Zombie-killing swords and knives.

Yeah, these aren’t Fisher Price toys. These swords, knives and deadly implements will totally kill a bitch. And, by bitch, they mean Zombie. So, if you need something silent, that doesn’t require ammo, to keep you alive during the pending Zombiepocalypse, then you should probably check out
Don’t worry, even if you don’t need sharpened zombie-killing blades right now, you probably need some rad T-shirts, right? How bout this one?

While you are over there, make sure and check out their image gallery. It’s practically a real life comic book. And, if you do buy something, make sure and tell them that the Drunken Goon from Post Apocalyptic Movie Mania sent ya.